A Few Words From Jack LaLanne on Being Happy and Grateful

When Jack LaLanne passed away a few years ago, I came across this wonderful clip of him (which I posted before) from his early television fitness show on what it means to be happy (or unhappy) in modern society. At that time, modern society was the early 1960s or so, but I think the point he made back then still rings true today. This was the great thing about LaLanne's show--besides demonstrating exercises for viewers to follow along at home, he dispensed nutrition and lifestyle tips, proving that being healthy is more than working out alone, but a combination of exercise, food, and mindset. 

Sadly, it's even tougher today to be happy than it was when this show was filmed. The world moves along at a much faster pace and people (or at least, Americans) are overworked, stressed, and often struggling to make ends meet. I'm sure it wouldn't comfort Jack if he knew that today, in addition to walking around looking miserable, people are doing so while being transfixed by a smartphone screen. What I like about the clip below is that it helps puts things in perspective--and that happiness is an inside job.

I'd like to wish all of my readers a very happy Thanksgiving, yummy food, and safe travels if you're leaving home. I hope everyone finds something to be happy and grateful about--every day of the year, not just on the holiday. 


  1. Hi, Pam! I watched The Jack LaLanne Show during my boyhood in the 50s and he inspired me with his message about the benefits of regular exercise, eating right and a maintaining a positive mindset. I shudder to think that Jack was already sounding the alarm 50 years ago, warning Americans that we were drifting far away from the basic formula for happiness. You're right. It's much worse all these years later.

    Thanks for the memories, Pam!

  2. A good and sincere speech by Jack Lalanne.


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